Vertebrates at or near Highlands Biological Laboratory

September 17-18, 2005

Weather: beautiful sunny days, light NW wind (weak front passed day before)

Other notes: migrant warblers were often in small flocks where the sunshine first caught the trees in the morning.   A Red Crossbill put in a brief appearance on Sunday morning, one of the world's most peculiar birds ... see below and also notes from last week about mature cones on the white pines.

Please send additions/corrections to Haven Wiley

Mute Swan2 as usual
Red-tailed Hawkseveral beside I-40
Broad-winged Hawk1 sailed over I-40 east of Old Fort
Cooper's Hawk2 sailed across the highway between Franklin and Asheville (both large and so probably females)
Mourning Dove6
Ruby-throated Hummingbird6
Belted Kingfisher1 beside the pond
Downy Woodpecker1 called from the woods
Hairy Woodpecker ***1 in woods beside the pond -- see last week's notes on the calls
Pileated Woodpecker1 called at Coweeta, another flew over the road near Asheville
Blue-headed Vireo **6 singing in brief bouts from scattered points all around the station
Blue Jay6
American Crow4
Carolina Chickadee6
Tufted Titmouse2
White-breasted Nuthatch2
Red-breasted Nuthatch *1
American Robin2
Carolina Wren1 singing
Gray Catbird1
Tennessee Warbler4 in a small migrating flock
Northern Parula1 female
Chestnut-sided Warbler *3 including two that sang briefly, one of which still had its chestnut sides
Magnolia Warbler *2 including one in the small flock of Tennessee Warblers
Blackburnian Warbler *1 in dull fall plumage
Black-throated Blue Warbler **1
Pine Warbler1 in white pines
Worm-eating Warbler1 calling and seen in thick shrubs beside the pond
Yellow-breasted Chat1 in thickets behind the lab, unusual at such a high altitude
Rose-breasted Grosbeak *1 squeaking (like sneakers on a basketball court) high in trees
Northern Cardinal2
Eastern Towhee4
Song Sparrow3
Dark-eyed Junco **4
American Goldfinch2
Red Crossbill **1 flew over the dining hall making its distinctive calls ... jip-jip, jip-jip ... a specialist on extracting seeds from conifer cones ... not found at Highlands since the last time there were mature cones on the white pines!

Gray Squirrel2
Red Squirrel *3 calling

* northern species that extends southward in the mountains to southern Appalachians

** northern species that extends southward in the mountains and has evolved a distinctive subspecies in the southern Appalachians

*** species with a northern subspecies that extends southward in the mountains to the southern Appalachians