Vertebrates at or near Highlands Biological Laboratory

September 9-10, 2006

Weather:calm, misty the first morning, clear the second

Other notes: new bird feeders attracted chickadees, nuthatches, and hummingbirds -- few migrants -- White Pines had no cones or tiny (1 cm) green cone buds

Please send additions/corrections to Haven Wiley

Gray Treefrog
Hyla chrysoscelus
calling infrequently in woods

Mute Swan2 on the pond in the golf course -- introduced -- not breeding
Turkey Vulturesoaring in lowlands
Broad-winged Hawk1 swooped into perch in the woods beside the dorms
Peregrine1 sailing along the cliffs at Whiteside Mountain (a regular nesting site)
Belted Kingfisher1 making its rattling calls around the lake on Saturday morning, perhaps the same one found dead below a large window on Valentine Hall (female in beautiful new plumage), none around the lake on Sunday!
Downy Woodpecker1 called near Weyman Hall
Northern Flicker1 called near Coker Lab
Pileated Woodpecker1 called across the lake
Least Flycatcher (probable) *1 perched atop a tree beside Weyman Hall -- hard to identify when not calling but this bird had the generally gray coloration of this species
Eastern Phoebe1 beside the clearing below Valentine on Saturday
Blue-headed Vireo **3 singing Sunday morning near the Coker Lab
Blue Jay4
American Crow6 flying over (probably a family or two)
Common Raven *1 or 2 called in the distance at Mile High Overlook south of Heintooga
Carolina Chickadee4
Tufted Titmouse6
Red-breasted Nuthatch *4 at the feeder and in the conifers near the buildings
Golden-crowned Kinglet *2 in pines
Carolina Wren1
American Robin4 probably included migrants
Swainson's Thrush1 (migrant)
Tennessee Warbler1 (migrant)
Hooded Warbler1 female with almost as much black as a male
Northern Cardinal4
Eastern Towhee2
Song Sparrow1 at the feeder
Dark-eyed Junco **4 an unusually low number
American Goldfinch1 flying over

Gray Squirrel1
Red Squirrel *not a one seen or heard (first time this species absent at Highlands)

* northern species that extends southward in the mountains to southern Appalachians

** northern species that extends southward in the mountains and has evolved a distinctive subspecies in the southern Appalachians

*** species with a northern subspecies that extends southward in the mountains to the southern Appalachians

**** species confined to the southern Appalachians