Vertebrates at or near Highlands Biological Laboratory

September 16-17, 2006

Weather: beautiful sunny days, calm, after a weak front passed earlier in the week

Other notes: some migrant warblers joined small flocks with chickadees.   This weekend confirmed the absence of Red Squirrels* this year -- what has become of this usually numerous species at Highlands?   Missing on both weekends were also three other species that nest around Highlands and are usually present in September -- Black-throated Blue Warbler**, Black-throated Green Warbler**, and Rose-breasted Grosbeak*

Please send additions/corrections to Haven Wiley

Green Sunfish
Lepomis cyanellus
about 30 rather elongate and plain sunfish in shallows of the pond -- very tame and easy to watch

Gray Treefrog
Hyla chrysoscelus
2 called briefly in the woods

Mute Swan2 as usual, an introduced European species
Ruby-throated Hummingbirdlots of females at the feeder and perched near Weyman, fattening up for their flight across the Gulf of Mexico to Central America
Belted Kingfisher1 arrived over the treetops and swooped down to the pond, announced by its loud rattling call, and then promptly got into a chase with a second bird
Hairy Woodpecker ***1 in woods beside the pond
Eastern Wood-Pewee1 in a flock with chickadees
Blue-headed Vireo **4 singing in brief bouts from scattered points all around the station and following flocks with chickadees, lingering until they move to the Gulf Coast and Caribbean
Blue Jay4
American Crow4
Carolina Chickadee10 -- often 2-4 formed the nucleus of a small flock containing several different species
Tufted Titmouse2
White-breasted Nuthatch2
Red-breasted Nuthatch *4
Golden-crowned Kinglet *2 in hemlocks
American Robin12, headed for winter quarters on the southeastern coastal plain
Carolina Wren2
Gray Catbird1
Chestnut-sided Warbler *3, in a flock with chickadees, all in drab basic plumage (although one had a yellowish crown), all on their way to Central America
Tennessee Warbler1 in a flock with chicakdees, in drab basic plumage, on its way to Central America
American Redstart1 female, on her way to the Caribbean
Northern Cardinal2
Scarlet Tanager1 female or young male, in olive and black plumage, probably on its way to South America
Eastern Towhee2
Song Sparrow2
Dark-eyed Junco **10 near feeders
Baltimore Oriole1, a spectacular black and orange male, on its way to Central America
American Goldfinch4

Gray Squirrel1
Red Squirrel *none seen or heard, just like last weekend

* northern species that extends southward in the mountains to southern Appalachians

** northern species that extends southward in the mountains and has evolved a distinctive subspecies in the southern Appalachians

*** species with a northern subspecies that extends southward in the mountains to the southern Appalachians