Hybridizing species along the rivers across the Great Plains

(from R. T. Peterson's Field Guide to the Birds)

"Yellow-shafted" (eastern) and "Red-shafted" (western) Northern Flickers

Baltimore (eastern) and Bullock's (western) Orioles

Variation in coloration of hybrid orioles

Rose-breasted (eastern) and Black-headed (western) Grosbeaks
and Eastern (formerly Rufous-sided) and Spotted (western) Towhees

Eastern Towhees extend westward along rivers across the Great Plains
and meet Spotted Towhees at the edge of the Rocky Mountains
but almost never hybridize!

Indigo (eastern) and Lazuli (western) Buntings

Like the grosbeaks above, these buntings hybridize on the Great Plains
where mixed pairs produce fewer offspring than matched pairs