Selected Reef Fish of the Caribbean

from F. J. Stokes' Handguide to Coral Reef Fish of the Caribbean (1980)
photos of Bluehead Wrasse thanks to John Godwin (Biology Department, NCSU)

World distribution of coral reefs

Damselfish (individuals defend territories, females lay eggs in males' territories)

Butterflyfish (males and females form stable pairs)

Parrotfish (protogynous, terminal males brighter than females)

Stoplight Parrotfish (terminal male left, smaller female right)

Wrasses (protogynous, terminal males with more complex color than females)

Bluehead Wrasse (abundant, well-studied species)
Terminal male (about 8 inches long)

Smaller, yellow individuals (mostly females but some sneaker males)

Mating center atop a projecting coral head

Groupers (in the seabass familiy, simulataneous hermaphrodites)

Other seabasses (simultaneous hermaphrodites)
Harlequin Bass is fourth from the top on the right
and two species of hamlets are bottom left
Plus three cardinalfishes (upper right corner)
not related to seabasses (males are mouth-brooders)

Hamlet (species undetermined)