Route 11 -- Reno Sharps Store Road NE

South central Chatham County

Date -- June 6, 2003
Time -- 5:30 EDT
Observers -- Bob Chase


One of the few Whip-poor-wills this year!

NOBONorthern Bobwhite2
MODOMourning Dove13
YBCUYellow-billed Cuckoo3
CHSWChimney Swift3
RBWORed-bellied Woodpecker4
NOFLN Flicker1
PIWOPileated Woodpecker1
EAWPE Wood-Pewee6
WEVIWhite-eyed Vireo3
REVIRed-eyed Vireo18
BLJABlue Jay4
AMCRAm Crow36
PUMAPurple Martin1
BARSBarn Swallow2
CACHCarolina Chickadee3
TUTITufted Titmouse10
WBNUWhite-br Nuthatch1
CARWCarolina Wren19
BGGNB-g Gnatcatcher3
EABLE Bluebird13
WOTHWood Thrush5
AMROAmerican Robin2
GRCAGray Catbird2
NOMON Mockingbird3
NOPANorthern Parula2
PIWAPine Warbler5
COYECom Yellowthroat9
YBCHYellow-breasted Chat 2
SUTASummer Tanager3
EATOE Towhee4
CHSPChipping Sparrow3
NOCAN Cardinal24
INBUIndigo Bunting18
AMGOAmerican Goldfinch2