Orange, Chatham, and Durham County Mini-Breeding Bird Surveys

Excel Spreadsheet for Submitting Your Counts

105 species X 20 stops

  • Excel form for one route (DOWNLOAD) in Excel workbook format.
  • Excel form for one route (DOWNLOAD) in tab-delimited format (for any spreadsheet program).

    After filling in numbers and habitat codes and saving the form*, you can return any of these forms as an email attachment to ...

    Haven Wiley

    This form includes all species so far recorded on Orange, Chatham, or Durham MBBS routes (plus a couple of extra spaces at the bottom).   It also has spaces for the numbers of vehicles at each stop.

    You must have Microsoft Excel on your computer (Mac or Windows) or some other spreadsheet program to use these forms.   One of these forms should work with any version of Excel or any other spreadsheet or database program.   Let Haven Wiley know if you have problems!

    Using one of these forms to submit your data will make it much easier to compile everybody's data!

    Please DO NOT ADD OR DELETE LINES in this form. ... in order to keep it cut-and-paste compatible with everybody's else's forms (and with the master spreadsheets).

    * If you use the tab-delimited format with a program other than Excel, please save the form with your data in tab-delimited format before emailing it back to me.

    Forms You Can View and Print

    The forms below can be viewed with your web browser and printed for use in the field.

  • Most frequent species in alphabetic order (VIEW AND PRINT)

  • Less frequent species in alphabetic order (VIEW AND PRINT)

  • Most frequent species in taxonomic order (VIEW AND PRINT)

  • Less frequent species in taxonomic order (VIEW AND PRINT)

  • All species in taxonomic order (page 1) (VIEW AND PRINT)

  • All species in taxonomic order (page 2) (VIEW AND PRINT)