Latest update: 20 September 2009

Mini-Breeding Bird Surveys


to collect information about the distribution of breeding birds in one county
and any changes in their abundance from year to year

Basic Method

record all birds seen or heard from points one half mile apart along secondary roads;
one or two people can count (others can drive or assist otherwise)

procedures during a survey

coding habitats at each stop

counting vehicles at each stop

sample data forms (to download or print)

birds recorded on MBBS routes in Orange, Chatham, and Durham Counties
(with four-letter codes)

Orange County survey routes (descriptions and map!)

Chatham County survey routes (descriptions and map!)

Durham County survey routes (descriptions and map!)

how routes were selected

first impressions of an MBBS! (May 23, 1999)

If you have questions or suggestions, please contact Haven Wiley